The 4-month work has paid off, I hereby offer the blog for 3 € for sale at:
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Oak Colour In Dulex Paint
A little story I have published 2 years ago on 01/01/2008 on my website:-D:
Our story begins when Joseph and his pregnant wife Mary of Bethlehem to Nazareth, their home, traveled so they count on the people of King Herod ... Wait a minute we start all over again to
Our story begins 9 months and 1 week before Jesus' birth:
Joseph and Mary were already married for some time now, and lived happily together, but somehow this marriage was not as exciting as a year ago. They argued more and more, it was no more power was there and the love for short.
And so it came as it had, after another dispute Maria ran out of the house in the first inn that she could find and drank a few beers. After a few minutes she became acquainted with a beautiful drunk man
The two talked, came closer and disappeared after a while a room of the inn. Meanwhile, Joseph opened the search for Maria to apologize, it was, after already 3 clock at night and as long as she was finally gone before.
The next morning Mary was in a daze and woke up in an empty room, she could not remember the last night ... she only knew that she was gone quite a long time and should now go home quickly.
home she was already expected from her husband, who already received a breakfast, Maria had expected something else and was visibly surprised.
went after this event the life of the couple so on, as they last just married and everything seemed to good to turn. But after 3 months Mary had a funny feeling in my stomach, what they did not only possible has occurred ... she was pregnant. Suddenly she remembered
on the one night but how could she explain that Joseph, it was finally all that good.
The next morning she had a brilliant idea: "I am Joseph should just say that I bear the Son of God, an archangel named"
-they thought-"Gabriel came to earth to us, and I announced this news added. "
And they said it then the faithful Joseph, who bought from her.
Mary was not aware what a powerful world-changing and she did it has done, this should be the beginning of the modern era, the basis of a belief, the birth of a boy of his biological father will never know.
Joseph was proud that God both chosen to give birth to his son and told all his friends and relatives ... Meanwhile, we are
has 2 months before the birth of Jesus and the message that the Savior is born soon be widespread by now. Even at 3 as men, now all waited until a special sign the birth of the Redeemer
announced on the day of today's Christmas Eve, it was so far, a presumably rare constellation of different planets in our solar system and / or galaxy, star of of Bethlehem, which high in the sky. This was loszumarschieren the sign of the Magi ...
had now Maria made it, she has tricked not only her husband but also most of the world and thanks to this terrific teamwork we believe and celebrate this event today.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My Vlc Player Cant Play Mkv
It's that time again, every year in late autumn mass detention computer and console games to get the whole hingefibert year. They are the basis for the online community an entire year.
While in summer with indie games, as well as long time veterans Counter-Strike, Call of Duty and World of Warcraft has more than water, it goes right back into the dark season los.
people from the real life come after 8 Montae back to make the full server and play. And enthusiastic about the many forum posts for children, because of game or Konsolenproblemem, not even to begin.
general: Games can prevail will enter again next year remains good profits.
What are the opportunities for new communities, you read here now:
The co-op classics returns with a sequel without large to address the boycott story. This game not only offers a long life of the old L4D community, but also a renewed revived the "classic" L4D (1). By the way can be found in the L4D community for people super-source games such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress 2
Call of Duty 2
also a sequel, but for etabierten CoD4. Unlike its predecessor, the matchmaking system (read: no dedicated server) is used, there are automatically searched for opponents. Again, there was much criticism, is still useable expected that many newcomers can look. It will not be the case that you have to prove themselves against a whole clan with the foreign team.
hochgepreisste The new WoW-killer Asia is like a grinder with good graphics and standard wings. You will find many Wowler, but these will be reported each year in the spring to return to their summer quarters (WoW).
Last year was the WoW Killer Runes of Magic by the way XD.
should be a mixture of first-person shooter and online role-playing game. Using Skill Trees can specialize and gain the experience should be similar to Call of Duty 4 and 6. In the long run, however, the concept can not exist.
In this sense, a lot of fun with the new tripple-A titles and do not be so bad the neuankömmligen in your online community. Especially after Christmas:-P.
course there are those Gamer fall again to do a lot, so take advantage of online portals in the push to recruit new people to actions. You should use the opportunity to annsonsten sitting again in the summer "alone" there and has to deal with RL activities such as playing football or jogging deal.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Are Zippos Made With Real Silver
2010 starts our tour, now that all 3 stages are crossed once again in Cuxhaven.
travelogue from 2007 then in the blog archive 2007 scroll up
Accommodation is in small hotels or guesthouses at the same cycle.
further information soon, or by mail:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Diagram Shoulder Exercise
Cool, if I die I'm also a guest book.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Eyelash Extensions In Fredericton
People are looking for a particular film on the Internet, "buys" him and after an hour you realize that no scene from a trailer in there was ...
From this one concludes finally that we have searched in vain for a bad movie is the best> _ <.
That's me in 2012: Doomsday happens, this is 2012 not out yet ....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
One Piece Nami Bath Hetnai
time has come. From now on, I have my Twitter page and YouTube channel in my navigation bar.
Once it was a huge work on the blog, above, insert portals is this last step done after 3 weeks. From twitter account I do not expect much because there really just my blog posts to link again ...
But if I was someone there and he pursued the twitter me and it does not end up in spam, it is back!
When Youtube account-I have more hope. Since the channel is due to the Runes of Magic Videos storms with stupid questions provides the link be someone.
erinnet What turns me on earlier. Previously you did not blog in "real life" recommended and written on a piece of paper (print is like, only to paint, the letters themselves). Or you have a blog just for private or a home-made, but someone has finally found through a Google search and made it known.
However, writes the blog link to a piece of paper and copied it. Thank you.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bazillian Waxing In Madison Wisconsin
Today I am closer to the Blog Parade busy and now wants to win a Garmin navigation device.
Before advertising for the blog, which makes the competition and its clients do, I explain Parade blog shortly.
Blog Parade is a gamble to win things and visitors to charge more blogs. But you write a blog-topic article (more on that later) and linked there pretty middle of the post the blog with the contest so that it has more of my visitors. Of course, I find that visitors are objects,-P.
Anyway, I do now on behalf of " Danto GmbH " and the TIPBLOG your review about "The most indispensable household item or article of" Leave.
So, I find a kettle is essential, it makes even ice cubes into a hot tea. Moreover, one can thus fill a thermos full draw, which will make their full use out of your dial on can. Keep the water warm. In addition, the
helps quickly boiled water from the kettle and it Konkurrentenin competitor off the modeling industry, you can use this Water de-ice roads (temporarily), use it in bed to keep warm and take a shower for an instant hot.All one can have with a kettle and take anywhere, in seconds with the help of a vacuum flask everywhere and so is the thermos the most indispensable household item.
Please give me the Navi Danto, then I mention you in my next 5 entries at the top. Promised.
PS: Do take me sick Prior:-P
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Do Men Like Boobs Or Legs
Google has a new Google Doodle and it say only to bar code language. The make, so you remember the invention of the barcode.
damn Each blogger must report on every damn Doodle. Visitors fishing 2.0. Porn with a blog, you get clean quicker visitors. You know, this blog entry with full of naked women (?) On a specific topic.
the way, this blog should not even look beautiful, you just have to have the necessary sources hrhr.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Digital Playground Watch Free Online
Do you know that too, you look a little something on the Internet using Google and clicks from interest on something that does not have to do with the topic. And after a while one has forgotten what we really wanted added.
Anyway, so today I came across an article by from the year 2002. The way this is written Preview reminiscent of how recent and upcoming online role-playing games are described. Only the WoW with classics such as Ultima and Diabolo2 is compared.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Indomie Make You Bad Brain
I've actually made a new image in the image board 4chan . org / b to post / respond and get on 100:-D.
Click the image to themselves try:
Saturday, October 3, 2009
How Long Can Anchovirs Last Out Of Can
Recently I started a new character in the online role-playing game "Runes of Magic". Suffice it to say, there is a priest as a primary class, and whose identity I would not resolve now.
In this blog entry I dedicate myself to the advantages enjoyed by a female character in online role-playing games.
- Female Characters include frequently get a party invitation, if you ask nicely. At higher levels still useable is the best equipment.
- Depending on the name, there are also times Inquiries gifts with
- Believe it or not, you will usually first revived
- one asks the question correctly, you get to every question an answer without looking unnecessarily to
- also reputation, especially in the higher levels, excellent
order not to attract attention as a man in a woman's desire body, one should take care.
- is important to choose the no hair aufälligen Struck doors or ugly faces, glazen are definitely taboo. A girl, would you Social occurrence never so disfigure
- Use a name that includes a "Girl" or "lady", etc. "Super girl" "sexy girl" "pretty lady" is so Offensichtler not.
- Is it possible to hide armor (in Runes of Magic does this), does not use it. The same applies to take off the armor.
is equally important to good behavior, the mostly male Charaktäre must at parties feel secure and powerful. Never go to this level of language, for example, a girl would never "lol, you noob" . Say
- uncertainties are the key paraphrases such as "could I possibly" or "would you have time maybe I have just to help" provide the necessary contrast to the greenness and uncertainty, which ultimately induce the Hilfeakt. A counter-example "I Can someone pls help times".
- is almost as important to thank the important here is the smiley. "Thank you:-D" "wow thank you, without you I would surely die again :-)" "Juhu:-D". It should be noted, to thank after completion of the help and again, no use short expressions "thx".
- Also in the Guild is a neat "Hello" at each log in and "Bye, see you tomorrow" to the log.
- It helps when you can, as a priest can buff as players passing by. also help improve the reputation quests, but this really applies to every player.
- a secret, go to the toilet every 2-3 hours, even in instances claim the break. This must and can not a man to understand and support the credibility.
These tips help the illusion of naive player:
- rumhüpfen Never or beat around unnecessarily and keep buffing
- Always the text, even if you pass through the fault principle, other dies
- of the party
- never beg for money or equipment
addition, you should not stay in the TS, and certainly not under the name of the character. Possible excuses are, for example, "Have no buy mic, but I soon (next week). All else fails, keep to the TS on without saying anything. With Stimmverzehrern but you can also work.
the way, this little guide is aimed at all bad players, socialize and get to know the "bright side". While there are no biscuits, but it ... something else.
However, this behavior reflects neither the stereotype of a real player in a MMORPG again, but with this stereotype funkioniert Illousion the best ;-).
Monday, September 28, 2009
Build Train Bridge Flash Game
My election forecast from the previous post has unfortunately not fully confirmed:
According Forecast | Wahlgebnis | |
first | SPD | CDU |
second | CDU | SPD |
third | The Left | FDP |
4th | FDP | The Left |
5th | B90/Grüne | B90/Grüne |
My green friends it should be positive, come to the Greens in the Bundestag, 9 which can be taught waste separation.
PS: to find 2% for the Pirates
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Acrostic Poem Using Bulimia
The absolutely best way to a party for today's election, it is to sift through numerous party utilities, and cover up with promotional material.
Finally, the best parties have the most delicious biscuits candy. Therefore I can only recommend, in the inner city, after such decision aids to seek .
I did this already yesterday in my home town of Iserlohn, with the following results:
Platz 1 SPD:
- 2 pens (from the SPD and their JUSOS)
- 8 candies, which are very tasty way
- and a rubber ball
I think if the SPD does so, then jobs community it 4 million.
2nd place for the CDU:
- a sewing kit, actually a contradiction to modernize, because you gave it to me down by saying, "Maybe for your mother" in the hand.
- Many small BonBons
Although the sweets taste better the CDU, the SPD-rubber ball better.
3rd place on the left:
- 3 lens cloths
Ideal monitors to keep clean, thanks to the Left. Hopefully, with the rich tax nor received with a rubber ball into the reservoir.
FDP # 4:
- whose only Kulli
In the end it does I'm sorry that I have taken away from him. Still useable, thank you that you have joined the bribery of the other parties.
Place 5 B90/Grüne:
- A button
In defense I must say though, that they had many flyers. Since this would, however, landed in the trash, I could not justify the pollution. The woman finally looked Olbrich-Tripp (Kanidatin for direct mandate) a.
election Tip: SPD , after the recession, it is sharply uphill.
Should this article have been no decision support, then try it yourself. You can access the right people at the stands Promotional and refuse to address the flyers. Skin as much as possible out, you will not be marketed as a potential voter.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Bronchitis How Long To Stay Home
MaikBey now has a blog.
again only to terminology: Blog> Twitter with 140 characters.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Little White Spots Gums
The 3rd Eagle summer tour on the bicycle path is going well and full of impressions, we returned home. Participants will be sent in early August a small guide with route description and a photo CD.
Other interested parties can order the travel book (20 pages with maps and cycling trails and walking trails) you. (Travel description 12 €, photo CD 5 € plus postage) mail to:
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Good Engagement Matter
Saturday, 07/11/2009 , bus - walk (Not cycling in the source area possible)
Travel by us by bus to Spindleruv Mlyn. Here we meet Jarda, our Czech tour guide who will show us this week, the Bohemian beauty.
by cable car and on foot, it goes back to the source and through the Elbe valley with waterfalls to
Spindleruv Mlyn.

We continue to Vrchlabi and stay in a hotel with his own brewery.
During the tour cost is allowed, and as there are in the evenings, it is determined cozy ......

Sunday, 07/12/2009, bus route (same bike path where not removed)
After welcoming Sunday breakfast we drive to the organic farm Kunice and cost for a guide
cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt. At the reservoir Království
Les (Forest of the kingdom), we can marvel at the romantic dam, which since the early 20th century regulates the waters of the Elbe. In the town of Hradec Kralove

Bohemian Zeitgschichte wait architecturally beautiful buildings and a lunch at the organic restaurant "Basil" on us.
course, we also come with the owner to talk and learn from the current bio-Bohemian landscape.
Here we can now to change the wheels, because from now on, we find acceptable
Cycle paths. We go to Pardubice, where we expect the hotel and dinner.
Monday, 07.13. 2009 from Pardubice to Kolin, about 55 km cycling
This day starts sweet, because we visit from Janos, who bakes the famous Pardubice gingerbread. Recognized by the EU as a regional brand! We can lend a hand and make our own souvenirs.

Kladruby nad Labem - Tour of the National Stud is our next stop.

Since the 12th century will be supplied from Bohemia and in the honey bee farm in Veletov
we look to the bee family and bees. In
Kolin we finish the day with a leisurely dinner.
Tuesday, 14/07/2009 From Kolin to Lysa nad Labem, 56 km cycling
Our route takes us past a traditional malt house, where we find interesting about this stage of brewing.
produced in a small family business, herbal extracts and oils, we learn how to do that there traditionally.

expected at the destination are the very special hospitality of the landlady, who with
us cook in a Bohemian dumplings school together and eat is.
roast pork, sauerkraut and dumplings. The Bohemian national dish is topped by equally
delicious fruit dumplings ........
Wednesday, 15.07. From 2009 Lysa nad Labem Melnik after, cycling about 55 km
Our tour takes you past the museum Prerov. Here, the tradition of this same area is preserved.
In Melnik ", where the Elbe and Vltava itself, we have dinner and enjoy a wine tasting in the castle wine cellar of Count Lobkowicz. We are anxious to 9 different Melnik wines and the 3-story castle wine cellar from the 14th century.

Thursday, 16/07/2009 from Melnik to Litomerice, cycling about 58 km
On the way is the town Ustek with many historic buildings, which have often been the backdrop for filming.
Today, there are organic products from the goat for dinner. But before the farm visit, and we come back to talk with the farmers.
Litomerice, located at the confluence of Eger and the Elbe, is considered one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the Czech Republic.

Friday, 07/17/2009 From Litomerice to Hrensko, bike + train, about 55 km
We cycle for Usti nad Labem bridge and a worse stretch with a short train ride.
sniff That day we passed out on a soap. In
Hrensko we experience again the hospitality of the Bohemian Switzerland and can again look at the first Saxon mountains ...

Saturday, 18/07/2009 By Hrensko to Bad Schandau, cycling 15 km
end of the 2009 tour at the train station Bad Schandau or bus transfer to Wittenberg
all the benefits described here as well:
German - and Czech-speaking tour guide, luggage transfer / support vehicle, are included in the price (drinks other than wine sample individual)
person in double room 775, - €
person in single room 880, - €
bus and luggage transfer from Wittenberg to Spindleruv Mlyn 75, €
bus and luggage transfer of Bad Schandau to Lutherstadt Wittenberg 45, - €
subject to change!
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