Friday, September 24, 2010

Best Japanese Concealers

In my eyes ...

I have in mind just because something in my head around.
I have frequently read on various blogs about it.
But I also have experienced something schonmal. I think even the 3 / 4 of all young people / children once or still are bullied.

I know how much one can take something down, or even broken, so I change my a character and a person can destroy the even .. therefore take some life ..

but how do something for people, in my opinion most people who want to feel yourself better by making others down, or even people who do it because "friends" to do. There are also what the show on how much they are and even though they know it is who is dressed weaker.
Rarely listens to sacrifice one of mobbing look strong or full 'fresh'

I'd like to say, as long as it remains only in words, it is not bad, but even that can make a psychologically down ..

But if you thought about what to actually say .. but then you can only think like ARM?

ey you are full-fat one, what's your view of old thin full and your nose? What does this because like a coati. What did you look at old full of shit. You live under the bridge ey.
You are full of ugly, and your glasses iiih weeh and then your braces.

ect ect ect. there is certainly much, much worse but that's the normal or ..?

Many people are "fat" many also have a lot of thin nose .. It would be stupid not something she is not so what .. I run it so rum. can I change my clothes ever, so my taste is nunmal .. me so no matter what idiot thinks that I may suffer non.

You simply have to always keep in mind: the one is the I do not like, I do not care, it may be what you think of, I have friends and I have never said something because they see more in me and me So may as I am .. you should see only good in themselves and try to build ..

Human dignity is inviolable but so if you have come to the right and attack another stupid because ... a pair of glasses? There are people who buy one because they find it cool, I knew one of the others called stupid because they wore glasses, months later, he bought a Nerdbrille?
What do you see these people are just stupid. They themselves are the patients who should be helped.

Who then dares to honor a man to grope THUS TO should not at first give their time, listen to him or make something out of it because this is simply not worth .. all just nonsense ..

I had to say that now. And that's my opinion .. I could write more but I present 'hunger. Good night.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Impetigo Within A Week

brain jam

I could cut myself for what I mean "ideas" do not write down the same.
Sometimes because I buzz topic in my head around where I think: heey, the post but could you?
Curb raaaaaaus, read aaauf. But
ne .. since am I will always be lazy because I think I remember that already.
And now I sit here and .. 've forgotten everything again!

Where we're at it, I look away grad and wonder how can you find someone just as great that it starts red and almost fall over because someone one knows eig not at all private, so super duper mega is sweet. You can find someone
ect so great. but the o.o
: - My god. It's just bad for the blood pressure; D

Have I painted the nails with ner 'gold-like color. My mum has bought her, she likes those colors:>

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blurred Vision Causes And Headache

37 questions to me

First, why do I posted anything for so long, have at the moment I'm really .. a hangover and I'm extremely lazy ^ ^ I did not even take a picture of lust i.was ..

This is again, I hope; D

So then I was tagged 2x I caught but just with the older day

first Where is your cell phone? on my bedside table
second Where is your partner? My baby is lying in his crib
third How are your hair? long, dark, soft: D
4th Where are your siblings? in their own homes
5th Where's your papa? work
6th Favorite subject? A frame full of beautiful pictures
7th Dream from last night? A crocodile wanted to eat me
8th Favorite drink? Hm. changes constantly, can never be the same long drink
9th Your dream car? Sharan oda Audi
10th The room in which you find yourself? My room .. xD
11th Your fear? Camel spiders come to Germany!
12th be in 10 years What do you want? I think never advance so far.
13th With whom have you spent yesterday evening? With my love ♥ Fifi
14th What do not you? eigebildet, small, transparent
15th The last thing you did? And a friend made
16th What are you wearing? I'm naked: DD fun-
17th Your favorite book? Pooh books bore me quickly I'm really a lot of claims. __. ..
18th The last of what you've eaten? vanilla-chocolate croissant
19th Your life? Wonderful family ♥ Otherwise normal stress
20th Your mood? At the moment stupid
21st Your friends? are hard to find but have some great seehr ♥
22nd What are you thinking? My mom complains when I put make-up tests, however, like to buy everything * hmmpf
23rd What are you doing? buns, Tv gaze
24th Your summer? summer What? ...
25th When did you last laugh this time? Today
26th When did you last time the cry? Hm. before .. 4-5 weeks or longer no idea xD
27th What are you listening to right now? My girlfriend: D
28th Favorite weekend activity? Schlafeeen, friends
take 29th Dream job? singer .. or actress T_T
30th Your computer? A lap is already 3 years old.
31st Outside your window? Vieele cars, trees .. ne ne track and field
32nd Beer? I was already 4 alone the foam disgusting: D
33rd Mexican food? HOT? I like non.
34th Winter? cocoa, no running through the snow all clear .. Blanket, friends and family because ♥ _ ♥
35th Vacation? was 7 years ago in Poland * heul
36th On your bed? Phew ... Stütn chip, chocolate, hard drive, camera, gummy bears: D aand
clothes 37th Love? characteristic manner was technically

I Tagged by Stivilein ( Thank you:)
If anyone wants to join him to do that, please ..
Because I'm bored here even have an old picture for those who may have no desire to read so much: D

Is my baby does not süüüß HOHOHO