Monday, September 28, 2009

Build Train Bridge Flash Game

election forecast comparison

My election forecast from the previous post has unfortunately not fully confirmed:

According Forecast Wahlgebnis
first SPD CDU
second CDU SPD
third The Left FDP
4th FDP The Left
5th B90/Grüne B90/Grüne

My green friends it should be positive, come to the Greens in the Bundestag, 9 which can be taught waste separation.

PS: to find 2% for the Pirates

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Acrostic Poem Using Bulimia


The absolutely best way to a party for today's election, it is to sift through numerous party utilities, and cover up with promotional material.

Finally, the best parties have the most delicious biscuits candy. Therefore I can only recommend, in the inner city, after such decision aids to seek .

I did this already yesterday in my home town of Iserlohn, with the following results:

Platz 1 SPD:

- 2 pens (from the SPD and their JUSOS)

- 8 candies, which are very tasty way

- and a rubber ball

I think if the SPD does so, then jobs community it 4 million.

2nd place for the CDU:

- a sewing kit, actually a contradiction to modernize, because you gave it to me down by saying, "Maybe for your mother" in the hand.

- Many small BonBons

Although the sweets taste better the CDU, the SPD-rubber ball better.

3rd place on the left:

- 3 lens cloths

Ideal monitors to keep clean, thanks to the Left. Hopefully, with the rich tax nor received with a rubber ball into the reservoir.

FDP # 4:

- whose only Kulli

In the end it does I'm sorry that I have taken away from him. Still useable, thank you that you have joined the bribery of the other parties.

Place 5 B90/Grüne:

- A button

In defense I must say though, that they had many flyers. Since this would, however, landed in the trash, I could not justify the pollution. The woman finally looked Olbrich-Tripp (Kanidatin for direct mandate) a.

election Tip: SPD , after the recession, it is sharply uphill.

Should this article have been no decision support, then try it yourself. You can access the right people at the stands Promotional and refuse to address the flyers. Skin as much as possible out, you will not be marketed as a potential voter.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Bronchitis How Long To Stay Home


MaikBey now has a blog.

again only to terminology: Blog> Twitter with 140 characters.