Thursday, February 24, 2011

Skins Season How Many

favorite Pumps

... and although the dress for the wedding ^ ^ On Saturday it arrived, this time by Otto . It is a balloon dress from the brand Bruno Banani and I always thought this is just a perfume brand: D The color is dark purple, but the dress of a fabric that the dress also, depending on the incidence of light gray, or light-Can appear purple. from 55% polyamide, 45% Polyester who are so familiar ^ ^
The ratings I mostly just something positive read darünber, so it then also ordered, before it's gone ^ ^
In summer, when the sun shines, I imagine this quite a bit.

It actually fits very well, or do I have mostly clothes incision around again.
In DEMD price I would have liked but is otherwise considered or otherwise. There

back on the backside of all, there are a bow-tie, the dress still fits it better and not slide down ^ ^
I guess this will be the dress for the wedding, because all the clothes I had been to either not fit or not at all looked so great as in the catalog.
only missing a few accessories, but it has plenty of time.


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