When I started blogging in September 2010,
I was looking at the top at all on 2 reader
the day by chance landed on my page: D
I would therefore like to thank you and start a contest where you can take up to 31.03.2011.
can win these things:
♥ 3x Balea bathing moments (Sense of India-Wild Rose and Sandalwood;
Sense of Hawaiian Passion Fruit and Lotus; Sense of Japan Orchid) ♥ Avril Lavigne Forbidden Rose fragrance sample (1.2 ml) ♥ 2x MNY Nail Polish No. 407A is (in the slberne direction) and
408A (black / gray with silver Partickeln) ♥ Catrice Nail Polish 120 Plum Play with me "MNY ♥ ♥ Essence Lipgloss No. 400A nail art glitter mix
♥ jumbo eye pencil from the Essence LE metallics (silver and black ) ♥ p2 Color Fusion Eye Palette No. 030 Pretty in Pink
(once geswatcht) Conditions
! be Verolgen
. Writes on your blog a post about this contest, please also used the image from above.
Even those who did not have a blog, may participate in the competition:)
Answer this question: What could I improve on the blog / or make better?
For those of us under 18: please first ask your parents if you want to join Dared:)
send me the link of your posts and the answer to the question to this e-mail address: Kata_89 [at] gmx.de
participate only in Germany.
I hope will be numerous Try it yourself:)
The deadline is the 31.03.211 at 23.59 clock.
The winner will be announced a few days later in my blog:)
Have fun!
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